Tuesday 3 June 2014

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (college magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

This is my collage magazine;

This is my final front cover;

When I look back at my collage magazine, I feel like I have came a long way and improved a lot in construction and ideas. Looking at these two front covers i can see what a hug improvement I have actually made, because of photoshop I have learnt how to make a image black and white and make it a lot sharper, change backgrounds and play around with a design of my own for my magazine cover. Looking at my magazine now I can see where I have improved from my previous mock magazine and my collage magazine, It now looks closer to a professional standard due to me being able to analyse a magazine.

By me using photoshop its allowed me to be more flexible and creative with any ideas I h ad, I researched using youtube different clips on tutorials on how to do things on photoshop, such as how to make an image black and white.

I've learnt from the progression that research on other magazines to do with the same genre that I done mine in will give me a lot of ideas and help me be flexible with my ideas for my magazine.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt numerous things about the variety of technologies I have used throughout this media course, such as photoshop, I knew I was going to be creating a magazine so I decided to make a mock magazine using photoshop.

This was the mock magazine that I created to get feed back from so my final product would have improved, as you can see my photoshop skills are pretty poor, I ended up doing a critical analysis on this magazine front cover which helped me improve my ideas for my final magazine cover.

Now you will see my final magazine cove, as you can see my photoshop skills haven't really improved but I made it fit the genre for rock and metal and got  my ideas from that kind of magazine.

During this media course I've used blogger a lot, google docs for questionnaires and youtube as part of my research tasks as proof of points I try to make, such as why I think rock and metal music is hectic and out of control with their targeted audience.

I  used a lot of youtube videos for my research for example;

Here is a video of a Slipknot concert, this is how they speak to their fans and how their fans react, this proves what I'm saying about rock and metal music being hectic and informal.

This is how I used my research on youtube fit into my blog and make it make sense and relate it to my magazine.

As you saw in the third question of my evaluation, I used Google search to find out information I needed to complete my work, such as researching the distribution companies that own / publish Kerrang! Magazine, the distribution company is in fact Bauer Media.

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

For this question I looked back at my questionnaire answers to see what people wanted in music magazines, it turns out, roughly 50 - 70 percent of people don't really buy music magazines due to them just genuinely not being interested in them, so I decided to go with the answers I did get, I made my magazine cover the way people wanted, a close up, larger text and darker colours. By doing this I gave the targeted audience what they wanted.
Another thing I done was make sure that my magazine somehow had some resemblance to famous rock magazines, such as kerrang or metal hammer.

During the process of me thinking about how I would attract the audience I decided to include on my contents page all things that the majority of todays audience would be interested in, such as news and reviews about bands..

In the contents page I've also included popular bands such as Slipknot and Metalica, as well as the band I made up, Bleach. I added popular bands into my contents page because they will already have a huge fan base and fans might want to purchase my magazine purely for the fact that their favourite band is included in the magazine never mind any other bands involved that they might slightly enjoy.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

After I'd completed my questionnaire I discovered what my audience wanted and what age would be more interested, so I basically got a stronger idea of my targeted audience.

This is a screen shot of some of the results I  got.

As you can see from some of the results, the targeted age I would be looking at is 17-20 and male. This was something I took into consideration but I thought about it, I still decided to not have slang words or cursing within my media product since with that I can still attract a younger age and not have an age rating on the magazine, which would widen my targeted audience age range, but If their is no cursing or slang, It may not appeal towards the targeted age of 17-20 interested in rock or metal music since that's the language they're most
likely going to be reading in their day to day life about
their favourite bands.

Through other answers I  got from individually personally asking some people within my local area and sixth form, I got answers about what they would like to see on the front cover of a rock magazine. The answers I got most where;
- Large text.
- A close up on the main image.
- To use a lot of red and black on the main image as it connotes violence or anything hectic or danger.

The product I ended up with for the front cover was the following.

Monday 12 May 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Throughout my research of these media intitutions, I have narrowed it down to one institution that might distribute my magazine, which is Bauer Media, this is because the magazines I have got all my ideas from and tried to get my work to their standard is Kerrang magazine, Kerrang magazine is distributed by Bauer Media.

On the Bauer Media website I found a link that was advertised that send me to the Kerrang website which is where I found their most recent magazine which was the following.

I then decided to do a little bit of research to see if this magazine would relate to the band I put as the main image of my magazine or style of my magazine, it turns out that the band advertised on the front cover of this magazine are rather hectic and quite dark with their lyrics, which fits in with the genre and style of my magazine.

Here's a video of a song they performed at one of their concerts, the thing the lead singer is talking about at the start according to my research is one of the fans had just yelled out a death threat to him, that's why there's security guards all around the front of the stage, please click the following link which will show you the video.


As you can see, the crowds reactions off the band is hectic and their responses are hectic and what you'd only really see with this genre of music.
My magazine appeals to the same targeted audience as the one above, we both target people who are interested in the specific genre of music and who can relate to that kind of music.
This is why I think Bauer Media might distribute my magazine

Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2.

How does your media product represent a particular social group?

Please click the link below for a voki, which will answer part of this question.


Throughout the magazine I may have used what seems as aggressive language but only due to the text, you will see the example in the image below, it says this year is ours in red text with a horror type of font.

There is a downside to the fact I haven't used slang or cursing within my language throughout the magazine, this is because with the slang and swearing I feel it would appeal a lot more to the targeted audience, but on the other hand without the slang and swearing I would have a wider range of audience.

Here is a link showing why I think swearing should of been in the magazine, this is another clip off the band Slipknot, the way Corey Taylor (The lead singer) Swears at the audience during the song is the way a lot of bands speak to their audience, which is why I feel like swearing and slang language would suit my media product.

Sorry you can not see the video on my blog, if you will, please copy and past the following link in to your search bar, Sorry for any inconvenience.
